While You're Here

Safe and Secure

Making sure your experience is as safe, comfortable, and pleasant as possible is important to us. HMC, unlike many facilities its size, maintains a skilled night-time protective services staff to help provide a safe, secure environment for patients, visitors, and employees.

The job of our protective staff is to patrol the campus, protect our buildings and personal property, secure doors, and also assist residents and patients to safety in the unlikely event of a fire emergency, and in severe weather. To speak with a protective services officer or to request assistance, call the Administration Department at 309.449.4296.

In Case of Emergency

Patients and visitors experiencing an emergency within the hospital should dial 9, then 9-1-1 immediately. They are encouraged to speak with the Director of their building for information on telephones, emergency pendants, evacuation routes, etc. Maintaining the safety of our residents, patients, and the staff is a top priority, and this is why HMC conducts regular drills. Additionally, HMC has an active Incident and Safety Committee which oversees our Disaster Plan.

Tobacco-Free Policy

HMC is a tobacco-free campus.  Smoking or other tobacco use is not allowed in HMC buildings, property, sidewalks or parking areas. If you use tobacco products and would like medical assistance to stop, please speak with a physician or nurse.

Cafe & Dining

Providing healthy and tasty food options, HMC's Grove Street Café serves delicious meals to not only employees, patients, and residents, but also to those within the community.  Always keeping your health in mind, we offer a selection of organic and non-processed foods on our menu.  We enjoy preparing nutritious meals that have you wanting to come back to dine with us again.

Grab a hot meal from our cafe.Learn more about our Cafe.


Internet Access
Get connected!  HMC has free Wi-Fi internet access for patients, residents, and guests. For further assistance or technical questions, call 309.449.4036 or, if dialing from HMC, dial EXT 4036.