Job Shadows

Hopedale Medical Complex is excited to offer the opportunity for students from our local school districts to job shadow in both clinical and non-clinical positions at HMC. Our student job shadows provide a meaningful introduction to job positions that can be found in healthcare.  It provides students with awareness of the academic, technical, and personal skills required by particular jobs in the healthcare environment.

While job shadows cannot be performed in all areas at Hopedale Medical Complex, every effort will be made to get students to the closest area possible.  This is why you will be asked to list more than 1 option in the job shadow request form.

Students must dress appropriately in business casual attire with closed-toe shoes and no visible tattoos or facial piercings.  Students must wear their school ID badge while at the complex, and cell phones are prohibited during job shadowing.   Students must be in either 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.

Program Goals

Our program goals for students wanting to partake in job shadows are:


Information to Know, Prior to Submitting the Job Shadow Request Form

Prior to completing our job shadow request form, please make sure to consider the following questions that you will need to answer.

Please note:  Once the job shadow request form has been completed,  a member of our HR Team will review the request, contact your sponsor, and reach out to the specific HMC Department you would be shadowing.  After that has been completed, the HR Team will reach out to you.  Prior to coming in for your job shadow, you will have to understand and comply with some basic eligibility requirements.  They include:

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to the Hopedale Medical Complex HR Department at 309-449-4299 or by emailing