Outpatient Services

Cardiopulmonary Services
Cardiac Stress Tests, Pulmonary Function Tests, 24 Hour Holter Monitoring, 30 Day Event Monitoring, EKGs, Respiratory Care

At HMC’s Cardiopulmonary Services Department we offer comprehensive diagnostic services for the heart and lungs, as well as respiratory therapy for inpatients and outpatients. The department is staffed by Respiratory Therapists who are highly trained specialists utilizing the latest technology and techniques to help people manage a wide range of breathing problems caused by disease, illness, or accident. The Cardiopulmonary Services Department provides comprehensive diagnostic cardiac and respiratory testing.

Tests and Services:

Cardiac Stress Test
A stress test is a non-invasive test used to diagnose blockages in the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. The patient performs graded exercise on a treadmill or is given a pharmacologic agent to challenge the heart much like exercise does. During this procedure, the patient’s status is recorded via electrocardiogram and blood pressure monitoring by Advanced Cardiac Life Support certified staff under the direct supervision of a physician. A cardiac stress test often includes a nuclear imaging scan to verify blood flow to the heart muscle at rest and after “exercise”.  This helps the doctor determine how the heart functions during exercise, and if it gets enough blood flow when it works harder.

Pulmonary Function Test
A pulmonary function test is a series of tests including spirometry, body plethysmography and a diffusion study  to determine how well your lungs are working by measuring lung volumes and air flows. Testing can help assess the existence and severity of lung disease and aid your physician in finding the best course of treatment for your lung disease.

24 Hour Holter Monitoring
A holter monitor is a test used to help diagnose rhythm abnormalities of the heart. A holter can detect problems that occur intermittently and which may not be present when you are seen in your physician’s office. The patient wears a small monitor for 24 hours while going about his/her daily activities. The unit is brought back for scanning and a physician reads and interprets the results.  If no abnormalities are seen on the report, yet the patient is still experiencing symptoms, they may progress to a 30-day

30 Day Event Monitoring
An event monitor is a test similar to a holter monitor except that it is used to diagnose infrequent irregular heartbeats or rhythms that were not observed on the 24-hour holter monitor.  The patient wears a small portable monitor for 30 days. When the patient feels an irregular heartbeat or other symptoms, he/she presses a button to activate the monitor’s recorder. A daily report is generated at the end of 30 days.

Electrocardiogram (EKG)
An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a non-invasive routine test that records the electrical impulses of the atria and ventricles of the heart. Many rhythm disturbances can be identified and treated rapidly through EKG assessment.

Respiratory Care
Respiratory care describes all pulmonary services ranging from ventilator management (for people who are unable to effectively breathe on their own) to arterial blood gas analysis (which measures levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood to assess cardiopulmonary status) to oxygen and bronchodilator therapy (for patients with COPD, asthma and pneumonia). Aggressive airway clearance techniques are also provided to help reduce the risk of post-operative pneumonia in surgical patients.


  • COPD includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema or both.

  • It is a progressive disease that causes irreversible lung damage.

  • Early diagnosis and disease management are critical to helping patients breathe better.

  • Since it is a largely unrecognized disease, the DRIVE4COPD campaign offers a brief five-question screener to help people identify their risk.

  • For many, taking the screener may be the first time they have considered if they are at risk for COPD.
  • If you take the screener, and are considered at risk for COPD, you are encouraged to begin a dialogue with your healthcare professional.

COPD Screener



How To Find Us:
Cardiopulmonary Services is located inside Hopedale Hospital and is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

For more information about Cardiopulmonary Services at HMC, please contact us:
Phone: 309.449.4248
Fax: 309.449.4679