Outpatient Services

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation is a medically supervised education and exercise program designed for persons who have had a ‘cardiac event’.  The goal is to improve a patient’s overall physical function and quality of life following a heart attack, heart surgery or stents. The risk of another cardiac event is reduced through cardiac rehabilitation and keeps an already present heart condition monitored and controlled.

Cardiac rehabilitation is often divided into three phases: monitored exercise, nutrition counseling, and emotional support and education regarding helpful lifestyle changes.

Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation
Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation is typically designed for patients who have recently had a heart attack, heart surgery, or stents. Patients wear heart monitors while exercising and attend classes to learn about living with heart disease. Patients are taught how to modify their lifestyle to improve their quality of life.

Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans. Medicare generally covers Cardiac Rehab for patients who have experienced:

  • Heart attack

  • Bypass surgery

  • Those who have stable angina

  • Recent PTCA, stent or valve replacement

Other diagnoses may be covered depending on the insurance carrier.

Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation

Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation is for graduates of Phase II. Participants still receive individual attention and continue with closely monitored exercise progression by an exercise specialist and specialized nurse. Phase III can also be done at home, but is generally more successful in a Wellness Center setting.

Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation is not covered by insurance. Financial assistance information is available upon request.


Medically Supervised Exercise

Medically Supervised Exercise is designed for each patient individually and is overseen by an exercise specialist and a nurse. Monitoring includes blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen levels, and ongoing evaluations of exercise progression.

Medically Supervised Exercise is not covered by insurance. Financial assistance information is available upon request.

Where Is The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Located?

The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is located in the Hopedale Medical Complex’s modern 34,000 square foot Wellness Center. For more information regarding cardiac rehabilitation, please call 309.449.4500.