Physical therapy reduces or eliminates pain. Exercises and manual therapy techniques such as joint and soft-tissue mobilization can help relieve pain and restore muscle and joint function. Moreover, such therapies can prevent pain from returning. In addition, physical therapy and rehabilitation help eliminate pain resulting from surgery.
It also improves mobility. If a patient is having trouble standing, walking, or moving, then physical therapy in Bloomington IL can help. Stretching and strengthening exercises help restore the ability to move. Physical therapists can properly fit individuals with a cane, crutches, or any other assistive device and assess patients for an orthotic prescription. Furthermore, therapists help patients with exercises to improve coordination and with assistive devices to help with safer walking.
Finally, physical therapy is important for cardiovascular and pulmonary recovery. While patients may undergo cardiac rehabilitation after a heart procedure, they may also receive physical therapy if their daily functions are affected. For pulmonary problems, physical therapy can improve the quality of life through strengthening, conditioning, and breathing exercises, and it can help patients clear fluids in the lungs.
Physical Therapy Services in Bloomington, IL
Located in Central Illinois, Bloomington is the 12th most populated city in the state. The Bloomington-Normal metropolitan area is home to both large insurance employers like State Farm & Country Financial, and multiple colleges & universities including Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, & Heartland Community College. Compared to other metropolitan areas in the state, Bloomington has a higher than average presence of white-collar jobs. With this means there are plenty of residents suffering from back pain, neck pain, and hip discomfort from sitting at a desk for long hours during the day.
Multiple studies from the Arizona State Mayo clinic and other research institutions have shown that sitting for long periods of time can be detrimental to a person’s physical & mental help. These studies show deteriorated back, shoulder & neck muscles over time comparable and in some cases, even worse than someone performing manual labor for 8 hours per day. Bloomington, IL residents show elevated back & neck pain over the course of their working lives and beyond due to their jobs being primarily sitting rather than periodically moving. From meetings to typing reports, residents in Bloomington, IL often find themselves in need of professional physical therapy services to offset the chronic pain they develop.
If you’re in Bloomington, IL & you begin feeling pain or discomfort in your back, neck, or shoulders, call our office to schedule an appointment with a member of our staff. Our physical therapy in Bloomington, IL services are designed to help your body recover and grow stronger over time to reduce discomfort & live a happier, healthier life!