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Hopedale Commons: Independent & Assisted Living to Celebrate 30 Year Anniversary
June 3, 2024

Hopedale, IL – Hopedale Commons Independent & Assisted Living is honored to celebrate thirty years of operation and service to the community this June. Opening in the early summer of 1994, The Commons continued to fulfill the goals and vision of Dr. Lawrence J. Rossi, Sr. and his dreams for a continuum-of-care facility in rural, Central Illinois.

As part of this milestone, the staff and residents of the Hopedale Commons are inviting the community to celebrate with them at an open house on Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 2 – 4pm. This open house will take place in the Commons East Grand Ballroom, 211 SW Railroad St. Hopedale, IL 61747. All are invited to take part in this 30th Anniversary Celebration.

For questions or to submit your RSVP, please call the Hopedale Commons at (309) 449-6790 or check out the Hopedale Commons on Facebook.

In honor of the 30th Anniversary of Hopedale Commons, we are excited to offer those who have been impacted by the Commons to consider donating to the Hopedale Commons $30 for 30 gift challenge. Consider making a gift of $30 in tribute to someone you know who has been impacted by the Hopedale Commons. Gifts can be in memoriam or in honor of a resident, employee, volunteer or community member. Money raised will support an upgrade to resident activity spaces. To make a gift, please call (309) 449-4455 or donate online through


If you would like more information about this community event, please call Kaylee Mathison at (309) 449-4455 or email at