News You Can Use
90 and Counting
September 28, 2022

Hopedale, IL – You might think at the age of 90, Pastor Frank Pieper would be tired of sharing his life with others, but he might just surprise you.  With a newly released summer book entitled “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Funeral,” Pastor Pieper continues to share his life and his family’s life with all of us.

Surviving calls to 4 different churches during his ministry with his wife Joyce and 5 children, Pastor Pieper has been collecting stories throughout the years so that he could share them with his children.  While he has his own personal favorites, he decided to share these stories with readers so they could see the other side of this pastor’s life.

Retiring from his official pastoral rolls in 1997, Pastor Frank has continued his service to the community.  In 2005 he started volunteering at the Hopedale Nursing Home and has not stopped yet!  While this isn’t his first book, he says it is his best!  “The first book I wrote in the 1970’s was long, dull, and boring, but maybe that was because it was my memoir.  This one is so much better,” comments Pieper.  He’ll be the first to admit that putting the book together was a family affair.  Son, Frank R., helped to edit the book while his granddaughter created the cover! 

Pieper summed it up best when he was asked why he authored the book.  He shared, “I just wanted people to know that no matter if I was a pastor or not, I am just an ordinary person.  I just wanted to be treated just the same as you, my entire life.”

If you are interested in grabbing a copy of the book, you can find it on Amazon or you can reach out to Diana Vannaken at the Hopedale Nursing Home at  The cost of the book is $13.00.