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Photography, Fire & Healthcare
December 21, 2021

Hopedale, IL – If you can find a way to make all your passions come together, why not make it happen.  Dr. Elsburgh Clarke, ER Doctor with EPSS Emergency Medicine Group at Hopedale Medical Complex (HMC), has a passion for ER medicine, embraces helping others, understands the need to showcase fire fighters as dedicated all-hazard responders, and well, he just might be an adrenaline junkie.

With a passion for photography, Dr. Elsburgh Clarke is HMC’s resident photographer capturing glimpses of everyday life in a rural hospital setting, but he also has a passion for the work that first responders do.  This passion has allowed him to capture thousands of photos of the Peoria Fire Department while riding with them since 2004.

On December 13, 2021, Dr. Clarke won an award from the International Association of Fire Fighters 2021 Media Awards Contest with a photo from the Peoria Fire Department.  He won 1st place in the media award category showcasing the best photo published in newspaper, magazine, website, or trade publication.  With over 297 entries submitted, the Media Awards Contest honors communications, reporting and photography that best portray the professional and dangerous work of fire fighters and emergency medical personnel in the United States and Canada.

Emily Whitson, Hopedale Medical Complex COO commented, “Dr. Clarke has an uncanny ability to pull out the emotion in every photograph he takes.  He is passionate about those on the front line and realizes the necessity of showcasing these moments through his art of photography.”

Congratulations to Dr. Elsburgh Clarke on this award and capturing the fear and stress of a fire fighter rescuing a dog from a fire.  “In this moment, you truly see the passion our firefighters have for all living creatures and those they save.  It is truly a way of life,” commented Dr. Clarke.