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HMC Announces Milestone Employee Anniversaries for 2021
December 21, 2021

Hopedale, IL – Each December, Hopedale Medical Complex (HMC) honors employees who have had milestone employment anniversaries during the past year.  For 2021, twenty-six individuals were honored for their service at HMC, with years of service ranging from 5 years to 30 years. 

Congratulations to our staff member who celebrated her 30-year anniversary, Kimberly Finley, a member of the HMC Hospital Staff.  Kim began her career at HMC in September of 1991.

Four individuals celebrated their 25-year anniversaries.  They are Janice Hickle who works in the Hopedale Nursing Home, Michael Birdsell and Teresa Birdsell who work in the Environmental Health Services Department, and Nancy Thompson who is part of the Medical Arts Physicians’ Billing Office.

Twenty-year recipients included Dena Bolliger from the Pharmacy, Diana Kraus from the Medical Arts Physicians’ Billing Office, and Sharon Masching who is part of the Maintenance Department.

Those awarded with 15-year service pins included: Diana Vannaken and Shawn Flairty both part of the Hopedale Nursing Home Staff and Charles Skogley with the Environmental Health Services Department.

Ten-year milestone employment anniversaries included Jill Alexander from the Surgery Department, Kate Kearns from Registration, and Kristin Rein from the Hospital.

Twelve members of the staff received their 5-year milestone pins.  They included:  Amber Renfrow and Arlene Urbano from Medical Arts, Christina Jacob and Mary Gooding from the Pharmacy, Jeris Eilts and Karen Hoyle from the Hopedale Nursing Home, John Williamson and Robert Seidl, MD with HMC Orthopedics, Jessica Dare and Natalie Lessen from Miss Mona’s Childcare, Mitchel Musselman with Hopedale Sports Medicine, and Jennifer Hubert, HMC Dietitian.