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Professional Speaking Series Available Through Hopedale Medical Complex
March 21, 2013

Hopedale, IL – As part of Hopedale Medical Complex’s (HMC) commitment to excellence in promoting good health and wellness to all, health care professionals are available to speak to your non-profit group.

Here are some topics:

  • Depression in the Elderly

  • Weight Management from a Wellness Perspective

  • Nutrition Education for Children and Adults

  • Sports Medicine: Fueling for Sports and Fitness, Dietary Supplements in Sports

  • Peripheral Vascular Disease: Managing Stroke Risks

  • Cardiovascular Health Disease Prevention and Management: Reduce Your Risk Through Monitoring Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Heart Healthy Eating, and Nutrition

  • Cancer Prevention: Melanoma, Breast, Colorectal, Esophageal, Uterine, Lung, and Prostate

  • Pain/Symptom Management: Acupuncture for Migraines, Arthritis

  • Atrial Fibrillation: The Latest Management and Treatment Options

  • When Should I Take My Child to the Doctor versus the Emergency Room

  • Respiratory: Asthma, Emphysema, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  • Diabetes: Nutrition, Eyes and Foot Care

  • Long-term Care Options Including Respite Care, Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes

  • Smoking Cessation

  • Work Conditioning Program

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation

  • Common Sense Health Practices for Seniors: Assume Responsibility for Their Health as a Partner With Their Physician

  • Long-term Planning, Advanced Directives, Living Will and End of Life Issues

  • Medicare and Insurance Plans: Are You Confused?

  • Controlling Health Care Costs in Your Family

HMC has an extensive group of professionals who can present various health-related topics. For more topic ideas, visit

Learn more about scheduling a half-hour to one-hour presentation with an HMC professional by contacting the HMC Marketing Department at or 309-449-4012.