Community Services

HMC Health Education Speakers

As part of Hopedale Medical Complex’s commitment to excellence in promoting good health and wellness to all, we are proud to offer healthcare professionals to speak to your group.  HMC will send speakers for health-related topics for meetings, seminars, lunch & learns, as well as other special events at no charge.

Available Topics

  • Weight Management from a Wellness Perspective

  • Nutrition Education for Children

  • Sports Medicine: Fueling for Sports and Fitness, Dietary Supplements in Sports

  • Peripheral Vascular Disease: Managing Stroke Risks

  • Cardiovascular Health Disease Prevention and Management: Reduce Your Risk Through Monitoring Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Heart Healthy Eating, and Nutrition

  • Cancer Prevention: Melanoma, Colorectal, Esophageal, Uterine, Lung, and Prostate

  • Pain/Symptom Management: Acupuncture for Migraines, Arthritis

  • Sleep: It’s More Important than You Think!

  • Sleep Tips for Students and Parents

  • Atrial Fibrillation: The Latest Management and Treatment Options

  • When Should I Take My Child to the Doctor versus the Emergency Room

  • Common Childhood Problems

  • Respiratory: Asthma, Emphysema, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  • Diabetes: Nutrition, Eyes and Foot Care

  • Long-term Care Options Including Respite Care, Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes

  • Smoking Cessation

  • Work Conditioning Program

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation

  • Common Sense Health Practices for Seniors: Assume Responsibility for Their Health as a Partner With Their Physician

  • Long-term Planning, Advanced Directives, Living Will and End of Life Issues

  • Medicare and Insurance Plans: Are You Confused?

Do you have an idea for a topic you’d like us to address that is not listed here? We have an extensive group of professionals who can present nearly any topic required.

Schedule a Speaker

Learn more about scheduling a half-hour to one-hour presentation from one of our professionals by calling the Volunteers Coordinator at (309) 449-4290.

We look forward to sharing our commitment to good health with your group or organization.